2024-2025 Spring Midterm Program (Last Update: 24.03.2025, Hour: 1:18 P.M.)
2024-2025 Spring Semester Three Course Exams Scheudule
2024-2025 Spring Course Schedule (Last Update: 05.03.2025)
The Three-Course Exams for the Spring Semester of the 2024-25 Academic Year will be held between February 17-21, 2025. Students who wish to apply for the Three-Course Exam must contact their advisors and submit their petitions to the Department Chair no later than February 7, 2025
2024-2025 Spring MUY Schedule
2024-2025 Fall Resit Exam Schedule (The Last Update: 24.01.2025)
Some changes are made in the final exam program for compulsory situations, taking into account your excuses. For this reason, please follow the updates regarding the exam time and exam location in the program published on our web page. We wish all our students a Happy New Year and success in their final exams.
2024-2025 Fall Final Exam Schedule (Please follow the updates.)
Last Updated 09.01.2025
Students who will take the additional exam must contact Research Assistant Onur Karaman or Research Assistant Melodi Cebesoy Uslu by December 27, 2024.
2024-2025 Fall MUY Final Program (Last Update: 23.12.2024)
The make-up exams for the midterms of the course coded FIZ 137 will be held on Friday, December 27, at 10:00 AM (for the 1st midterm) and at 2:00 PM (for the 2nd midterm) in the Department of Physics Engineering.
2024-2025 Fall Make-up Schedule (Last Update: 17.12.2024)
Please click here for the Career and Competency Meetings announcement.
The make-up exam for the Turkish Language course with codes TKD103-107 for the Fall semester of 2024-25 will be held on Monday, December 16, 2024, at 14:40 in the TÖMER classrooms for students who were unable to attend the midterm exam due to a valid excuse. Students with valid excuses must submit their reports to the department urgently.
Hacettepe University Department of Industrial Engineering ‘Data Science and Industrial Engineering’ seminar series will have two webinars this week. We will discuss real-life applications of data science and operations research from an industrial engineering perspective.
Date and Time: Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 7:30 PM (GMT+3)
Speaker: Cihan Tuğrul Çiçek (Microlise, UK)
Moderator: Çağrı Koç
Connection Details:
Meeting ID: 336 274 764 151
Passcode: hq2Ex7mA
Click here to join the meeting
Date and Time: Friday, December 6, 2024, 2:30 PM (GMT+3)
Speaker: Kerem Demirtaş (Invent Analytics, Intel, Spyke Games, Smart Kiwi)
Moderator: Erdi Dasdemir
Connection Details:
Meeting ID: 316 443 339 615
Passcode: dp2ib2YW
Click here to join the meeting
We invite everyone interested to join our events!
2024-2025 Fall Term Midterm Program (Last update: 03.12.2024)
Students interested in part-time positions within our department must submit their applications to the departmental student affairs office by October 29, 2024. For information regarding required documents and additional details, please contact the departmental student affairs office.
TUSAŞ aday mühendislik sigortaları hakkında duyuru
Aday mühendislik kabulü alan öğrenciler, sigortanızın okul tarafından karşılanmasını istiyorsanız bölüm sayfamızdaki staj belgelerinden "Staj işletmesi bildirim formu" ve genel sağlık sigortası durumunuza göre "Ek4 ya da Ek5" dokümanlarını doldurup imzalayarak staj koordinatörümüze 24.10.2024 Perşembe gününe kadar teslim etmeniz gerekmektedir. Ayrıca bu linkteki (https://sksdb.hacettepe.edu.tr/bidbnew/post.php?id=7&title=stajyer-ogrenci) "Ek 2" formunu doldurup deryadinler@hacettepe.edu.tr adresine yollamanız gerekmektedir.
2024-2025 Fall Term Midterm Program (Follow the updates)
The Double Major and Minor program guides, developed in collaboration with the Bologna Coordination Office and the Directorate of Student Affairs, are available on the Hacettepe University Student Affairs website.
The schedule for the application and evaluation process for the recognition of non-curricular learning in the 2024/2025 Academic Year Fall Semester at Hacettepe University’s Faculty of Engineering has been set. The deadline for student applications is December 13, 2024. Applicants must submit their requests to the Commission for the Evaluation of Non-Curricular Learning.
For the first-year students, the “Library Orientation Program” will be held between October 21 – November 1, 2024 in the Seminar Room in Beytepe Library and online, to introduce the services of the library and its website.
Students can register to the program from the website.
2024-2025 Fall Term MUY Course Schedule
2024-2025 Fall Term 3 Course Exam Program
2024-2025 Fall Course Schedule (Last Update: 17.09.2024)
Dear YGS/DGS/Lateral Transfer/Ek Madde 1/Other students, For courses you wish to transfer (please compare the content of the course you previously took with the content of the course you wish to transfer in our department), kindly fill out this form. You are required to submit the petition with a wet signature, along with the necessary attachments (course contents and your transcript), in person to Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Derya Dinler (office hours: every day from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM). Afterward, our respective faculty members will review and decide on your petition. You can find the details on what to consider when transferring courses on the last page of the form provided above. For any other questions, you can email deryadinler@hacettepe.edu.tr.
About TUSAŞ LIFT UP Program, click here.
2024-2025 Fall Course Schedule (Last Update: 13.09.2024)
You can access the announcement of the KUDEM program here.
2024-2025 Fall Term MUY Course Schedule
2024-2025 Fall Course Schedule (Please follow the updates.)
The second section of the course “HEM333 First Aid and Care in Disasters,” which will be conducted together with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem CANBOLAT SEYMAN from the Faculty of Nursing during the Fall semester of the 2024-2025 academic year, will be held on Fridays from 13:40 to 17:30. Interested students can register for the course during course enrollment.
Final Exam of EMÜ 102 Computer Aided Technical Drawing course given in the Summer School (2023-2024 Academic Year) will be held on 04 September 2024. The exam will start at 09:40 in Derslik 206 in the Department of Industrial Engineering and will be completed in two stages; the first 90 minutes for drawing on paper (60 points) and thereafter 50 minutes for drawing with AutoCAD (40 points)
Students who want to take the EMÜ405 or EMÜ406 courses in the 2024/2025 Fall semester and have not received an e-mail about the subject need to send an e-mail to our faculty member Dr. Güldal Güleryüz.
Our faculty member, Dr. Erdi Daşdemir has won the 2024 INFORMS Koopman Prize for his paper titled "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Information Collection Missions with Uncertain Characteristics." You can access the paper through this link. 02.08.2024
Announcement for EMÜ102 Computer Aided Technical Drawing Course
The course "Computer Aided Technical Drawing" with the code EMÜ102 will be offered in the Summer School of the 2023-2024 Academic Year. This is announced to those concerned.
Please indicate your attendance status for the graduation ceremony by filling out the formhere. Note: Students who will not be attending the ceremony should mark their attendance status as 'No'.
Our graduation ceremony will be held on July 9 and the information poster can be found fromhere. Clickhere to access the information note on name inscription and the oath text. Please click this link for the information of Cap and Gown.
2023-2024 Spring Term Resit Exam Program (Last Update: 13.06.2024)
2023-2024 Graduation Ceremony schedule has changed. Click here for the updated version.
Final Exam Information for EMÜ 102 Computer Aided Technical Drawing
2023-24 Spring Term Final Program (Last update: 22.05.2024.)
An internship information meeting will be held on Thursday, May 23th at 12:40 PM in KS. Students who will be doing internships are required to attend.
2023-24 Spring Term MUY Final Program
2023-24 Spring Semester Make-up Exams Schedule. Please follow latest updates
TEGV Çocuklar ve Gençler için Teknoloji Eğitimi Projesi Duyurusu ve Ön Kayıt Formu
Students who wish to take the additional exams need to contact their advisors.
On Tuesday, 7 May, Physics course coded FİZ138 will be held in classroom 206.
Midterm Exam of EMÜ 102 Computer Aided Technical Drawing course for the Spring Semester of 2023–2024 is scheduled for May 8 for branch 02 and May 10 for branch 01, respectively. The exam, a brief explanation of its contents is provided in HADİ, will begin at 13:40
for both branches and be completed in two phases: the first 90 minutes are dedicated to technical equipment-based drawing on paper (worth 60 points), and the next 50 minutes are allotted to computer-based drawing using AutoCAD (worth 40 points).
Since Wednesday, May 1st is a public holiday because of Labor and Solidarity Day, the 02 branch of EMÜ 102 Computer Aided Technical Drawing course will be held together with the 01 branch on Friday, May 3rd at 13.40 in Classroom 206.
2023-2024 Spring Semester Midterm Exam Schedule (The last update: 17.04.2024)
Announcement of information for international students studyding at our university.
Students who are in a possible graduation status at the end of the Spring Semester of the 2023/2024 Academic Year and who have never taken or failed the UNI 101
course are required to notify the department until the end of working hours on April 1, 2024..
If you did a compulsory internship during the break, your submission deadline is the en of next week ( 08.03.2024,17.00). For the documents you need to submit and theri formats, please check "Rules for the summer training" document on the department's webpage.
Hacettepe University 41st Sports Festival Announcement
2023-2024 Spring Semester Course Schedule for Industrial Engineering BSc, MSc, and PhD Programs
2023-2024 Spring Semester Course Schedule for Engineering Management Graduate Program
2023-2024 Spring Semester Course Registration Rules
TKD 103-107 and TKD 100-104 Turkish Language courses' three exams will be held on Tuesday, February 20th at 2:00 PM (TKD 103-107) and at 3:00 PM (TKD 100-104) in TÖMER classrooms.
2023-2024 Fall Semester Resit Exam Schedule
Updated 26.01.2024
2023-2024 Fall Make-up Schedule (Please follow the updates.)
2023-2024 Fall Semester Final Exams Schedule for Industrial Engineering BSc, MSc and PhD programs
Last Updated on 29.12.2023 (stay tuned for updates)
2023-2024 Fall Semester Engineering Management Final Schedule
Students who want to take the additional exam must notify their advisors by December 22, 2023.
2023-2024 midterm exams schedule.
2023-2024 academic year part-time work applications for our university students. Click here for more information.
Click here for the vehicle identification stamp announcement for the 2023-2024 academic year.
The exemption exam of BEB 650 Basic Information and Communication Technologies Usage course, which is given to our students in the Fall semester of 2023-2024 Academic Year, will be held face-to-face at Industrial Engineering Department Conference Room and Class D-2, on Wednesday, 04.10.2023 between 18:00-19:00.
You can find the course schedule for the fall semester 2023-2024 here. Please follow the updates.
2023-2024 Fall Semester 3 Course Exam Schedule can be found here.
You can find the course schedule for the fall semester 2023-2024 here. Please follow the updates.
You can find the MUY course schedule for the fall semester 2023-2024 here.
Procedures for Equivalency in Course Transfers
Please click for Turkish Education Foundation scholarship applications for 2023-2024 academic year.
The graduation ceremony of our faculty for the 2023 has been postponed for one hour due to weather conditions. Our ceremony will be held on 21.07.2023 at 18.00 at Beytepe Open Amphitheater.
Summer school announcement for undergraduate students: EMÜ102 Computer Aided Technical Drawing course to be given in the summer school will be held on wednesday between 09.40-16.30 in classroom 206 and computer laboratory. The course will be face to face and attendance is mandatory.
Please indicate your graduation participation status by filling out the formhere. Note: Please fill out the form for those who will not attend the graduation and mark their participation status as no.
Our graduation ceremony will be held on July 21 and the information poster can be found fromhere. Please click this link for the information of Cap and Gown.
2022-2023 Spring Semester Resit Exam Schedule
Updated 03.07.2023
You can find the European Parliament's Internship Announcement here
It was previously announced that the final exams of Turkish Language courses would be held in the HADI module. Based on the information that the HADI module will not be effective, it has been decided to hold the final exam of Turkish Language courses on uesinav3.hacettepe.edu.tr platform.
2022-2023 Spring Term Engineering Management Final Schedule
Updated 02.06.2023
Students who will take the additional exam should contact their advisors.
Updated 29.05.2023
2022-2023 Spring Final Schedule (Please follow the updates.)
Updated 29.05.2023
Faculty of Engineering 18th Student Project Exhition
2022-2023 Spring Make-up Schedule (Please follow the updates.)
Click here for the announcement of "2209-A - Research Project Support Program for Undergraduate Students" carried out by TUBITAK Scientist Support Programs Directorate (BİDEB), which aims to encourage associate and undergraduate students studying at universities to conduct research through projects.
2022-2023 Spring Semester Midterm Schedule (Please follow the updates for the courses not included in the list.)
Updated 12.04.2023
2022-2023 Spring Semester Classrooms for Hybrid Education
2022-2023 Academic Year Spring Term Modern Languages Unit Compulsory English Courses Exemption Exams will be held online on uesinav.hacettepe.edu.tr platform on 28.02.2023, our announcement with exam hours and exam rules has been announced in the link below on our website. ydyo.hacettepe.edu.tr
The Exemption Exam for the BEB 650 Basic Information and Communication Technologies Course given by the Institute of Informatics to the students of the Spring Semester of the 2022-2023 Academic Year will be held on 01.03.2023 between 15:00-17:30 on ONLINE uesinav.hacettepe.edu.tr/ Username for system logins: student number; Password: First 6 digits of TR ID numbers. For foreign students, the user name and password are student numbers. Students who have started their first year of the Exemption Exam this year and students who have never taken the course in their program can take the Exemption Exam. Students who have taken the program before and who fail with F2 and F3 cannot take the Exemption Exam. The exams of the students who do will be canceled.
2022-2023 Spring Course Schedule
Updated 03.03.2023
2022-2023 Spring Term MUY Course Schedule
Kahramanmaraş'ta meydana gelen ve çevre bölgelerde de etkili olan deprem afeti nedeniyle ülkemize sabır ve baş sağlığı diliyoruz. Depremden etkilenen değerli öğrencilerimiz, ihtiyaçlarınız için bize ulaşabilir, eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetlerine ilişkin talep, öneri ve geri bildirimlerinizi https://geribildirim.hacettepe.edu.tr adresine yapabilirsiniz.
2022-2023 Resit Exam Schedule
Updated 30.01.2023
2022-2023 Additional Exam Schedule for Industrial Engineering Program
Updated 09.01.2023
Our faculty member, Dr. Erdi Daşdemir was awarded the "2022 Best Referee Award" by OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science.
2022-23 Fall Semester MUY Final Exams
2022-23 Fall Semester EMU Final Exams
Updated 30.12.2022
2022-23 Fall Semester EMU Make-Up Exams
Updated 28.12.2022
Our department will hold an online information meeting about 2022-2023 Spring semester Erasmus+ Learning Mobility on 7 November 2022 at 16:00. Zoom meeting information will be shared in the department's Slack group.
Application and selection calendar of 2022-2023 Spring Term Erasmus+ Mobility has been announced. Details are available at Hacettepe EU Office website http://www.abofisi.hacettepe.edu.tr/.
Announcement about 2022-2023 KEV Scholarship
For international students who registered at the university this year or for international students who have not taken the course UNI 101 yet, there will be a UNI 101 lecture between 09:30 – 15:30 on October 27th, Thursday in Mehmet Akif Ersoy Room. International students who conform to these conditions must attend the lecture.
2022-2023 Fall Semester Course Schedule for Industrial Engineering BSc, MSc and PhD Programmes
2022-2023 Industrial Engineering Three Course Exam Schedule
Updated 29.09.2022
2022-2023 Three Exam Courses for MÜH 103 İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği I ve MÜH 104 İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği II will be held on October 4, 2022 at the Department of Mechanical Engineering's 1. Kat A207 classrom (MUH 103--> October 4,2022 Tuesday, 14:00-15:00, MUH 104--> October 4, 2022, Tuesday, 15:00-16:00)
Announcement about 2022-2023 ONUR Ayşe Nurper Dede Scholarship
2022-2023 Fall Semester Course Schedule for Engineering Management MSc Program
Announcement about 2022-2023 "Limak Vakfı Türkiye'nin Mühendis Kızları" Scholarship
Announcement about 2022-2023 TEV Scholarship (TEV Üniversite Eğitim Bursu)
Exemption exam for BEB 650 course will be held on 04 October 2022 between 18:00-19:00 in the conference room of our department.
To the attention of students who will take EMÜ 405 - System Analysis and Design I and EMÜ 406 - System Analysis and Design II courses (graduate projects) in the 2022-2023 academic year. Those who have not received the e-mail sent from our graduation projects coordinator Dr. Güldal Güleryüz should contact her immediately.
About HUAWEI 2022 Cloud Application Competition.
Hacettepe University Promotion Days are at Beytepe Campus between 29-31 July this year. All the colors of life are here. Well, where are you? Click here for more information!
FİZ 138 summer school midterm and final exam dates are 19 July 2022 and 2 August 2022, respectively. Both exams will start at 09:30 in the Physics Engineering Department.
2021-2022 Spring Semester Resit Exams Schedule for Industrial Engineering BSc
09.06.2022 (stay tuned for updates)
2021-2022 Spring Semester Final Exams Schedule for Industrial Engineering BSc, MSc and PhD programs
20.05.2022 (stay tuned for updates)
2021-2022 Spring Semester Final Exams Schedule for KUDEM and MUY MSc programs
11.05.2022 (stay tuned for updates)
2021-22 Spring Semester EMU Make-Up Exams
Internship Procedures for Foreign Students
Fixture of sports festival
2021-2022 Additional Exam Schedule for Industrial Engineering program
Updated 11.02.2022
2021-2022 Spring Semester Course Schedule for Engineering Management and Kalite Yönetimi ve Kalite & Uygunluk Değerlendirme Mühendisliği MSc programmes
Updated 07.02.2022
2021-2022 Spring Semester Course Schedule for Industrial Engineering BSc / MSc / PhD programmes
Updated 23.02.2022 11:39
The make-up exams due to Covid (of Final or Bütünleme) for FİZ137 course will be held on February 10, 2022, between 15:00 and 17:00, in the D9 classroom of the Department of Physics Engineering.
2021-2022 Fall Semester Resit Exam Schedule for Industrial Engineering BSc
(Please follow our website for possible changes)
2021-2022 Eğitim-Öğretim yılı Bahar Dönemi Mühendislik Yönetimi Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı mülakatı (20.01.2022 Saat 09:00) ile Kalite ve Uygunluk Değerlendirme Mühendisliği Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı mülakatı (24.01.2022 Saat 09:00) çevrimiçi (Zoom üzerinden) yapılacaktır. Başvurusu kabul edilen adayların mülakat sınavına erişim için bağlantı bilgisi, başvuruda bildirdikleri e-posta adreslerine gönderilecektir. Lütfen e-postanızı takip ediniz.
2021-2022 Fall Semester Final Exam Schedule for Industrial Engineering BSc, MSc and PhD programmes.
(Please follow our website for possible changes)
Announcement about UNI 101 Course
“UNI 101” course will be opened on January 17 for the students who are likely to graduate at the end of the Fall or Spring Semester of the 2021 - 2022 and have never taken the UNI 101 before or have failed. Students who want to take the course should submit a document (dilekçe) to Rukiye Tunçcan by hand or by e-mail (zelyurt@hacettepe.edu.tr) until the end of January 11, 2022.
Additional (Ek sınavlar) exams of FİZ137 and FİZ117 courses will be held on the dates of the general exams.
Announcement about KIM course's additional exam
Announcement about the Make-up exams for TKD 103 and TKD 107 courses.
To the attention of KUDEM and MÜY students, you must upload the presentations and reports of your term projects to the relevant fields on Moodle on January 07, between 18:00-21:00
2021-2022 Güz Dönemi Kalite ve Uygunluk Değerlerlendirme Mühendisliği ve Mühendislik Yönetimi Programları Final Sınav Takvimi.
(Olası değişiklikler için lütfen web sayfasını takip ediniz)
Make-up Exams of
TKD Courses
Announcement about community service awards
Patent competition announcement
Students who want to be candidate for the department student representative, the disabled student representative or the international student representative must apply to the department secretariat by 19 November.
The points to be obtained from the completion of the activities included in the weekly course contents of the BEB 650 course on https://evdekal.hacettepe.edu.tr will be the midterm exam score. There will be no midterm exam.
Students who want to work as part-time in our department should apply to our department secretariat until 15.11.2021.
Announcement about Manisa Science Festival
MÜH 103 Occupational Health and Safety I midterm will be held. (11.11.2021 Thursday, 19.00-19.50)
MÜH 104 Occupational Health and Safety II midterm will be held 17.11.2021 (Wednesday , 19.00-19.50).
There will be a meeting today (20 October, 2021) at 12:30 on Zoom with the students whose names are on the Erasmus+ Learning Mobility (main and substitute) temporary list for 2021-2022 academic year spring semester. For meeting details, you can send an e-mail to our Erasmus coordinator Erdi Daşdemir.
Announcement about the oppurtunity to do internship abroad with IAESTE.
1. The online sessions to be organized by Hacettepe University, Erasmus+ Institution Coordinator will be between 15:30-16:30 on 01.10.2021, 06.10.2021 and 13.10.2021. Click here for meeting details.
2. Another online meeting will be held by the Erasmus coordinators of our department between 12:00-13:00 on October 11, 2021. Meeting details:
Topic: Hacettepe IE - Erasmus+ Bilgilendirme Toplantisi Time: Oct 11, 2021 12:00 PM Istanbul Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96299441272 Meeting ID: 962 9944 1272
Announcement about Student Vehicle Stickers for 2021-2022.
Onur Mühendislik A.Ş. student scholarship announcement.
Announcement of British Embassy for 2022/2023 Chevening Scholarships.
Köksal Eğitim Vakfı will give scholarships for underg students. Those who are interested should apply to our department before 13.10.2021.
Information about Yaşar Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı scholarships for undergrad and graduate students.
Announcement about Three Course Exams (Üç Ders Sınavları): Exams of FİZ137 (10:00) FİZ138 (14:00) will be held face to face on 29.09.2021 in Physics Engineering Department, and exams EMÜ221 (10:00) and EMÜ363 (14:00) will be held face-to-face on 01.10.2021 in our department.
2021-2022 Fall Semester Course Schedule for Industrial Engineering BSc / MSc / PhD programmes.
2021-2022 Fall Semester Information Packages for In-field Elective Courses of BSc program.
Information about TEV Scholarship (TEV Bursu).
Information about EGET Scholarship (EGET Vakfı Bursu).
Please click here for the video of our graduation ceremony held on September 13, 2021.
About 2021-2022 fall ING111 exemption exam.
About TUSAŞ SKY Experience Internship Program: kariyer.tusas.com/sky
UNI 101 course events will be held on Tuesday, September 21, 2021. Detailed information about the course is available on uni101.hacettepe.edu.tr .
Üniversitelerin son sınıf lisans öğrencilerinin TUSAŞ – Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii bünyesinde yürütecekleri bitirme projesi çalışmalarının bütçe ve sanayi danışmanlığı ile desteklenmesi amacıyla, LIFT UP Sanayi Odaklı Lisans Bitirme Projeleri Programı yürütülmektedir. 2021-2022 öğrenim yılında başvuruya açılan LIFT UP proje konuları yayımlanmış olup, başvuru dönemi 21 Ağustos 2021-31 Ekim 2021 olarak belirlenmiştir. Proje konuları, başvuru ve değerlendirme süreci hakkında detaylı bilgiler bağlantıda sunulmuştur.
1. The Exemption Exam for the BEB 650 Basic Information and Communication Technologies course will be held on September 14, 2021, between 09.00-17.00.
2. Students who have started their first year this year and students who have never taken the course in their program can take the exam. Students who have taken the course before and failed with F2 and F3 cannot take the exam.
3. The exam will be held online. Exam Place: It will be announced at http://beb650.bilisim.hacettepe.edu.tr/.
1. 2019/2020 ve 2020/2021 akademik yılı mezunlarımızın katılımıyla yapılacak olan mezuniyet töreni 13 Eylül 2021 Pazartesi günü, saat 17.00’de beytepe açık hava tiyatrosu’nda (amfi tiyatro) yapılacaktır
2. Pandemi koşulları dikkate alınarak Üniversite Yönetiminin aldığı karar uyarınca törene sadece; COVİD-19 aşı programına dahil olan ve ikinci doz aşısını tören tarihinden en az 15 gün önce olmuş ya da tören tarihinden en çok 48 saat öncesine ait PCR negatif testini beyan edebilen mezun ya da mezun durumunda olan son sınıf öğrencilerimiz ile aynı şartlara sahip en fazla 2 (iki) yakını katılabilecektir. Tören günü, öğrenci ve 2 yakınının kampüse birlikte giriş yapması gerekmektedir. Ayrı girişlere izin verilmeyecektir.
3. Törene katılacak mezunlarımızın, en geç 03 Eylül 2021 Cuma günü mesai sonuna kadar Mezuniyet Töreni Katılım Formu'nu doldurması gerekmektedir.
4. Cübbe, kaşkol ve kepinizi Hacettepe Store’lerden satın alabilirsiniz ya da ödünç almak isteyenler 03.09.20021 tarihine kadar Dekanlıktan alabilirler.
5. Mezuniyet törenine katılacak mezunlarımız için bilgi notu ve yemin metni.
1. Endüstri Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı Tezli Yüksek Lisans programının 2021-2022 Eğitim Öğretim Güz Yarıyılı mülakat sınavı 14.07.2021, Saat 09:00da çevrim içi olarak yapılacaktır. Başvurusu kabul edilen adayların mülakat sınavına erişim için bağlantı bilgisi, başvuruda bildirdikleri e-posta adreslerine gönderilecektir. Lütfen e-postanızı takip ediniz.
2. Endüstri Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı Doktora programının 2021-2022 Eğitim Öğretim Güz Yarıyılı mülakat sınavı 16.07.2021, Saat 09:00da çevrim içi olarak yapılacaktır. Başvurusu kabul edilen adayların mülakat sınavına erişim için bağlantı bilgisi, başvuruda bildirdikleri e-posta adreslerine gönderilecektir. Lütfen e-postanızı takip ediniz.
3. Endüstri Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı Mühendislik Yönetimi Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans programının 2021-2022 Eğitim Öğretim Güz Yarıyılı mülakat sınavı 13.07.2021, Saat 09:00da çevrim içi olarak yapılacaktır. Başvurusu kabul edilen adayların mülakat sınavına erişim için bağlantı bilgisi, başvuruda bildirdikleri e-posta adreslerine gönderilecektir. Lütfen e-postanızı takip ediniz.
4. Kalite ve Uygunluk Değerlendirme Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans programının 2021-2022 Eğitim Öğretim Güz Yarıyılı mülakat sınavı 12.07.2021, Saat 09:00da çevrim içi olarak yapılacaktır. Başvurusu kabul edilen adayların mülakat sınavına erişim için bağlantı bilgisi, başvuruda bildirdikleri e-posta adreslerine gönderilecektir. Lütfen e-postanızı takip ediniz.
Our undergraduate program has been accredited by MÜDEK until September 2026.
2020-2021 fall and spring student polls are open.
2020-2021 Spring Semester Resit Exam Schedule for Industrial Engineering BSc.
Announcements of Faculty of Science and School of Foreign Languages about 2020-2021 summer school.
TSI Seats "Uçak Koltuk ve Parçaları Tasarım ve Mühendislik Yarışması" duyurusu
Erasmus öğrenim hareketliliği 2021-2022 akademi yılı birinci başvuru dönemi geçici yerleştirme listesinde yer alarak programa katılmaya hak kazanan öğrencilerimiz için
10 Mart 2021 Çarşamba, saat 12:00 - 13:00 arasında bir bilgilendirme toplantısı yapılacaktır. Yedek listede olan arkadaşlar da toplantıya davetlidir.
Toplantı bilgilerini öğrenmek için lütfen bölüm Erasmus koordinatörlerinden Erdi Daşdemir ile iletişime geçiniz.
Bölüm topluluklarımızdan HENDS sizleri mezunlarımız ile gerçekleştirecekleri Mezunlar Söyleşisi'ne davet ediyor. Etkinlik 6 Mart Cumartesi günü 13.00'da Zoom üzerinden çevrimiçi olarak düzenlenecektir. Etkinliğe katılım formu için lütfen tıklayınız.
2020-2021 Bahar Dönemi Mühendislik Yönetimi ve Kalite & Uygunluk Değerlendirme Mühendisliği ders programlarında değişiklik: KUM 659 dersi perşembe günleri yapılacaktır.
Announcement about TRK Code Courses / TRK Kodlu Dersler Hakkında Duyuru.
2020-2021 Spring Semester Course Schedule for Industrial Engineering BSc / MSc / PhD programmes.
2020-2021 Spring Semester Information Packages for In-field Elective Courses of BSc program.
2020-2021 Bahar Dönemi Mühendislik Yönetimi ve Kalite & Uygunluk Değerlendirme Mühendisliği ders programları.
Güncelleme: 27.02.2021
2020-2021 Bahar Dönemi Mühendislik Yönetimi Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı ve Kalite ve Uygunluk Değerlendirme Mühendisliği Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı mülakatları çevrimiçi (Zoom üzerinden) yapılacaktır. Başvuru süresi bittiğinde bilgiler e-mail ile iletilecektir.
2020-2021 Fall Semester Resit Exam Schedule is announced (26.01.2021).
2020-2021 Fall Semester Undergraduate Final Exam Schedule is announced (10.01.2021).
2020-2021 Fall Semester EMU Graduate Final Exam Schedule is announced (10.01.2021).
BEB 650 - Mezuniyetine en fazla üç dersi kalan öğrenciler için duyuru
Mezuniyetine en fazla üç dersi kalan öğrenciler icin 2020-2021 Öğretim Yılı Bahar dönemi BEB 650 Temel Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Kullanımı dersinin sınavı 25 Şubat 2021 Saat 10:00-13:00de Çevrimiçi (Blackboard) olarak yapılacaktır. Sınava girecek Mezuniyetine en fazla üç dersi kalan öğrencilerin isimlerini en geç 24 Şubat 2021 tarihine kadar bölüm Araştırma Görevlisi Erdi Daşdemire bildirmeleri gerekmektedir.
2020-2021 Öğretim Yılı Bahar dönemi BEB 650 Muafiyet Sınavı Duyurusu
2020-2021 Öğretim Yılı Bahar dönemi BEB 650 Temel Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Kullanımı dersinin Muafiyet Sınavı 08 Şubat 2021 Saat 10:00 19:00 tarihinde Çevrimiçi (Blackboard) olarak yapılacaktır. Muafiyet Sınavına bu yıl 1. Sınıfa başlayan öğrenciler, dersi programlarına hiç almamış öğrenciler girebilirler. Daha önce programlarına alan ve F2 ve F3 ile kalan öğrenciler Muafiyet Sınavına giremezler giren öğrencilerin sınavları iptal edilecektir. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Önlisans, Lisans Eğitim-Öğretim ve Sınav Yönetmeliği 27. madde 5 fıkrasına göre Muafiyet sınavları, ilgili kurulların önerisi üzerine Senato tarafından belirlenen dersler için her yarıyıl başında yapılır. Öğrenciler bu sınavlara, dersleri ilk kez alacakları yarıyıl başında girebilirler. Öğrenciler bu haktan her ders için bir kez yararlanırlar. Muafiyet sınavlarında başarılı sayılmak için en az D notu almak gerekir.
AİT103/105/203 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi I dersinin bütünleme sınavları hakkında.
TKD 103/107 TÜRK DİLİ I tekrar edilen Genel sınavları hakkında.
MÜH 103 İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği I ve MÜH 104 İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği II derslerinin Bütünleme sınav programları aşağıda belirtilmiştir:
TKD 103-107 Türk Dili I dersleri bütünleme sınavları 2 ŞUBAT 2021 SAAT: 13.00' de blackboard üzerinden yapılacaktır.
Fizik I ve Fizik Laboratuvarı dersinin bütünleme sınavı programı